AWAS Wireless is an innovative start-up company that provides wireless broadband Internet connections to several Manchester neighborhoods. Utilizing Wi-fi technology and proprietary antennas and repeaters, AWAS will be able to serve a large area with broadband Internet connections.
AWAS was founded by Sean Sinclair, Romario Young and Dianna Goodall. With Bachelors in Computer Science degree, Sean has the skills to execute on this well-researched business plan.
The market for wireless broadband Internet connections is wide open. Demand for traditional broadband connections is surpassing conservative forecasts. The wireless market is even more exciting due to the significantly lower costs needed in terms of delivery infrastructure. As AWAS' customer base grows, costs decrease through scales of economy, creating an even more compelling argument for AWAS' existence.
AWAS has targeted three distinct groups. The first is students, a market segment that uses the Internet the most and also have high expectations regarding the speed of the connection. The second group is professionals, people with disposable income, not a lot of excessive time on their hands, and a group that uses the Internet a fair amount, both personally as well as professionally. The last group that will be targeted is techies. This group is the early adopters of any type of technology and spend incredible amounts of time immersed in Internet technology.
AWAS is a compelling business concept that leverages advances in technology and proprietary tools to offer a market need at below market prices. In addition to earning great margins with low infrastructure costs, margins increase as the customer base increases. This exciting business plan has a high likelihood of success with Sean Teche responsible for the execution of it. The business will earn modest profits in year two, increasing exponentially in year three. Net profit is forecasted to be commensurate in years two and three. 

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